Software Integration


Software Integration.

With software integration, organizational processes improve and internal management becomes smoother, allowing your company to always be the best version of itself.

Integration between different applications: we've got you covered.

It's the problem every IT manager faces sooner or later: the lack of adequate communication between business software causes slowdowns and inefficiencies. In a few words? It plummets productivity. In these cases, having an experienced and competent ally makes all the difference. You might discover that completely redesigning a company's software isn't always the best solution. Often, a more effective approach is to integrate software, weaving new and old tools together in a productive way. Leave it to us!

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The galaxy of software integration

Do you want your internal resources to move in sync but wonder how to achieve it? When it comes to software integration, ensuring everything communicates coherently and efficiently is a single need with multiple solutions.

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Database integration

Database integration

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Every business needs a reliable method to record, update, and track company data accurately. With our database integration process, you can meet this need by quickly and securely intersecting information from various sources. The biggest benefit? Your data becomes accessible to a multitude of stakeholders and clients without the need to move or duplicate it. Additionally, you gain greater control over the flow of business information, ensure constant compliance with individual country regulations, and manage information from a wide variety of sources by "cleaning," transforming, and loading it into the necessary destination systems. Quite a robust boost, don't you think?

Integrated mobile app

Integrated mobile app

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Keeping your business under constant control is not an impossible mission. Certainly, we can make it easier with a tailored digital framework capable of enabling communication between mobile apps installed on your devices and your software. So no matter where you are, you can manage your company's data comfortably from a tablet or smartphone, accessing real-time information, reports, and alerts. Esobit can design the desired app and build software that meets your needs. Alternatively, if you already have the right technologies, we can help integrate them seamlessly.

Custom development

Custom development

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It happens more often than you might imagine. Today, companies are investing in increasingly unique businesses, and as a result, each one needs to position itself in the market by accommodating parameters that cannot be replicated in other contexts. Put simply: your company may have specific needs that require the development of a tailored service. When a certain software integration method does not exist in the market, we build it from scratch with you. This way, you acquire a highly integrated system that behaves exactly as you desire.

Applicativi web

Applicativi web

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La spinta digitale che forniamo alla tua azienda, in tema di integrazione software, si declina anche in un’altra direzione: quella degli applicativi web. Si tratta di programmi che risiedono direttamente sulla rete e che vengono appositamente tarati per esaudire le esigenze del cliente. Grazie alla loro genetica digitale, si prestano ad essere costantemente accessibili e utilizzabili da qualsiasi computer connesso. Il fatto che siano “web based” li rende, oltre che agilmente fruibili, anche compatibili al massimo con qualsiasi sistema informatico.

Initial Meeting

First of all, we listen to what you have to say. By understanding your needs, we identify where we can help improve your business and support you to step up your game. The mantra remains unchanged: simplify your life so you can focus solely on your business.

Analysis and Implementation

Analysis and Implementation

Once all the relevant information is gathered, our experts proceed to analyze it in detail: immediately after, they compose it into a digital mosaic that makes magic happen. Your systems start communicating with each other.

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A network of advantages


If you want to streamline information exchange and communication within your company, you need to equip yourself with the right tools. However, everyone is the best expert on their own business: out there lies a digital forest ready to disorient you if you're without the proper compasses. We've been navigating these paths for many years: we assess your pulse, conduct thorough analyses and simulations, and then guide you towards the best digital strategies for your business.

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What they say about us

The way we work is the business card kept in the pockets of the hundreds of clients we have served over the years. Here, we have gathered a handful of impressions.

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Request a consultation

If what you've read interests you and you'd like to delve deeper into the topic, all you need to do is get in touch with us!

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Not just Software Integration

Esobit works with software in many ways: integration is just one of the many variables. Discover everything else we offer.

ERP Software.

ERP Software.

You can recognize a good ERP software by its performance. Simplifying and speeding up data collection to provide impactful responses to your clients: that's what you need.

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Customized Software.

Customized Software.

Imagine all the convenience of having an ally that behaves exactly as you want: that's what you get when you choose customized software for your company.

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